About 2 and a half years ago I embarked on the beginning of my PhD. As I am closing in on the final steps of this degree, I have taken some time to reflect on how I was able...

April Dayton Dozen

April is approaching and it's one of my favorite months. The trees start blooming, baby animals appear everywhere, and the sun shines just a little bit longer each day. The best part is that fun events are springing up around...

March Dayton Dozen

1.) I Can Cook Youth Series at Gerhardt Civic Center – Moraine, OH ***DMB Tip –You don't need to preregister - just pop in as you are out and about!  March 1st; 5-6:30pm Drop-in cooking class for ages 6-10 Participants...
Think spring, think spring, think spring!!! Think spring & it'll come sooner, right?! Well, that's what we're hoping for anyways. Since we're in the dead of winter, what is more refreshing than a craft that promises a peek of spring?...
This year I had the esteemed pleasure of being part of the PTO at my child’s school. To be more specific my job was to make sure all the people that signed up for things like Homeroom Parent and...
As a triplet mama and former middle school teacher, I have a complicated relationship with homework. When I was teaching, I felt pressure when parents asked, "Why doesn't Junior have homework?" Was I depriving their child of the full school experience by not...
How many of us have children that we struggle to connect with? Whether they're 2, 3, 5, 10, or 17, there are times when we just aren't sure what to say. We aren't sure how to have a conversation...
By now you’ve all heard of geaochashing. if not, a good way to think of it is an analog-ish version of a currently popular app to catch figment animals (are they animals? Totally don’t get that game) For a...
Some students have a difficult time focusing in a classroom environment. It can be frustrating for the student who is always in trouble for not paying attention. It can be frustrating for the teacher who is constantly having to...
Disclosure:: This post is sponsored, however Dayton Moms Blog would not work with a business we did not feel brings value to our readers. Opinions expressed by this author are authentic and 100% her own. My children are fearless in...
Back To School. It's that time of year again. School supplies are on the shelves, class lists are being printed, and some of us are anxiously awaiting Back to School Night! For some of us, however, this can be...
Back to school time can be expensive. According to a 2015 study by American Express Spending & Savings Tracker, parents are likely to spend over $1000 on back to school expenses. Many schools have extensive school supply lists and some...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored, however we do not partner with businesses we do not feel bring value to our readers. Opinions expressed by this writer are 100% her own. Confidence. There is a difference between confident children and snooty, nose...
 I'm Suzanne...and I'm a foster Mom.  Trust me, I am not as special as you might think. Two short weeks after we were licensed, we got the phone call and a beautiful 3 week old baby girl was placed in my arms. I...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
