Cliché you may say, that infamous African proverb,"It takes a whole village to raise a child." Do I agree? Somedays. Do I disagree? Somedays. It's one of those sayings that can cause some big dramatic uproar on the parenting...
If you've been pregnant, you've heard the word: preeclampsia. It's an intimidating word, one that we know is associated with a condition that we DON'T want to have. But do we really know what preeclampsia actually is and what...
Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!) in the Greater Dayton, Cincinnati, & Northern Kentucky areas. Everyone is welcome! There will be great giveaways...
**Disclaimer: If you have or are currently struggling to get pregnant, my heart truly goes out to you. Please know that there are stories in this post that may be difficult to read.** Ever taken a pregnancy test just to ease...
Picture this: the scenic rolling hills of the countryside, a beautiful brick Colonial home, a wide open field full of fuzzy alpacas, a delectable, gourmet breakfast greeting you each morning, utter peace and quiet... Sounds downright Utopian, doesn’t it? While pregnant...
If you didn't know, May is International Doula month. We celebrate a lot of things related to motherhood in May and this is no exception for me.  I'm incredibly proud to have the honor of being a postpartum doula...

Thank God for Doulas

When I was pregnant, I became somewhat of a birth junkie. I couldn’t get enough information or watch enough birth videos. My husband and I read all the books and took all the classes. Although we were super prepared,...

My Tubal Reversal Story

"Are you sure?" If the doctor and nurses asked me once, they asked me 20 times. "Yes," I replied each and every time. I had never been so confident about a decision in my life. I knew I never wanted...
There are a few things that I can promise not to tell you or say to you. There are also a few things I'd love to share. So here's my Promise to My Pregnant Friends.... You will never hear me...
The pathway to motherhood starts when you look down at that pregnancy test and see a pink line. You may or may not believe what you just saw. You might just sit down and stare at it for minutes,...
When I had my first daughter in 2017, I dealt with many of the typical emotions that accompany first-time parenthood. The first thought I had was, “How on Earth do these medical professionals think I am prepared to leave...
A local event designed to support and empower pregnant and postpartum moms. Guests will enjoy a fun morning getting to know a variety of local businesses and resources to support them in the journey of motherhood.
We’ve all heard the term ‘nesting’ and for Moms, it may even spark memories of how you prepped or are prepping your house for that sweet baby on the way. While I have definitely experienced the urge to organize...
So I was reading one of those Facebook articles (you know the ones that suck you in and suggest other ones and you end up on there for hours…..yeah) This one was 17 Myths about Motherhood. As I was reading,...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
