Fall is fast approaching! Are you ready to spruce up your fall home decor?  Need some some fresh ideas to get you ready for those cool bonfire nights?  (Shall we go ahead and also mention that Christmas is only...
Festival season is upon us! Check out our guide to all the fun festivals & events going on this month. PLUS, don't forget about our very own Teddy Bear Dental Clinic going on September 28th - grab your tickets...
The days are getting shorter, the mornings a little cooler, and there are pumpkin spice lattes in the air... It's coming, whether you're ready or not! Dayton offers some of the most versatile, fun, Fall family-friendly things to do,...

Back to School Printable

It's that time of year again! Can you believe it!? The backpacks are stuffed, schedules are packed, and buses are cruising around town. Yep, it's already time for our precious kiddos to head back to school.  We've all seen the...
Who else is staring down the season of back to school? No matter if you love the idea of shipping your kids off to school, dread the end of summer, or have little ones not yet ready to leave the...
Quickly give me an answer: What is your favorite holiday? Does thinking about the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas trifecta and all the work that it entails make you break into a cold sweat like me? When you're a kid, Christmas, Easter, and Halloween...
It's finally summertime in Ohio, and with the arrival of July comes hours of sunshine, popsicles and watermelon, time spent outdoors, and COUNTY FAIRS!  The county fair is one of our favorite places to spend a summer day. It's wonderful...
Homeschooling continues to grow in popularity in the U.S.  and with that rise in popularity comes an increase in resources available to those who choose home education. Lucky for us, the Greater Dayton area has a lot to offer to...
Where are all the kid-friendly restaurants in Dayton? If you're like us, and ever felt less-than-welcome when you and your brood walked into a restaurant then you've wondered too. You know, where are the places where we won't get the...
Have you ever searched for a daycare? Man, it's rough. The relief I felt when we finally made a decision was incomparable, but it didn't last long.  I’d just returned to work from maternity leave. I was starting in a...
Rainy days can take a toll on kids who need to burn off energy and the sanity of us moms who need to entertain them. It's raining, it's pouring, the kids think everything is boring! Oh, that's not how it goes?...
With summer in full swing, get out around Dayton with our 12 event picks to inspire great summer fun!  1.  Dog’s Night Out @ Ritter's Frozen Custard  ***DMB Tip*** Start with a walk and end up at Ritter's.  July 1, 2019  9AM–11PM  ...
Geocaching has been around for years now, but every time I looked it up real quick it seemed confusing and I quit. Then we had a couple friends talk about it and then our kids wanted to add it...
It’s nearing the 3rd Sunday in June Time to celebrate all of the dads – and soon! Let’s start with the best TV dads just for fun; We’ve compiled our favorites, each and every one. We’ll go to picturesque Mayberry first of all, Where Sheriff...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
