Do you ever feel guilty about leaving the kids to have free time, enjoy you time, or to get date nights with your significant other back? Now, you can have all that plus peace of mind during the work...

Why I Email My Toddler.

No. You did not read this incorrectly. I do in fact email my toddler, as well as my preschooler, even though they are currently illiterate. Why you ask? Because I can, because WE can, because technology allows us too,...
Mealtime is a struggle with my 4-year-old.  We sit at the table and he looks for any distraction, from the grain of the wood on the table to the art on the walls.  When he does actually start eating, he usually chooses...
As I write this post, I am the parent of an almost-kindergartener and an almost-2-year-old. In fact, my son will turn 2 on the same day my daughter will start school, and all these milestones are making me feel...
Since Summer is in full effect - head to one of these Dayton Moms Blog approved events! 1. Summer Movies Under the Stars: What better way to enjoy a Summer evening than to grab the family, a picnic blanket &...
In case any new mamas out there need some clarification on the subject, let me start by saying one thing… The terrible twos are REAL, ladies! They’re not a myth. They’re not an urban legend. No, they’re as real...
"Enjoy it now. They all grow up to be monsters," snarled a random woman at me as I changed my newborn in a public restroom. This hurt my heart more than I would like to admit. An already challenging...
When my husband and I decided to have a second baby, one of the reasons we decided to do so was our desire for our son to have a sibling. We really felt like it would be beneficial and enjoyable for him to be...
I  have survived raising 2 children. I have been through the terrible 2,s  and fearful 3's and forgetful 4's, the friendships that work, those that don't, discipline at school for talking to much, the science fair projects, homework, good...
I blinked and it happened. I became a parent to a 6-year-old. Gone were the infant years, the first words, first steps, and all those first milestones. Gone were the toddler years as we watched her little personality come...
We try our best to make birthdays special at our house. This is not an easy task when dealing with teens. What used to be the best day ever is now just “lame.” The last few years I’ve resorted...
Let's get one thing straight: I love my kids. They are my greatest blessings, they make my world go round, they give me purpose, yada, yada, yada.  But some days, I get to the point (usually a few minutes...
I could recite Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by heart after the first week my girls insisted that should be the only book I read them. Since then, they’ve gone through phases of different favorite books; and as daunting as...
A video has recently been making the rounds on various forms of social media contrasting pre-teens in the late ‘90s with pre-teens in 2020. The video shows the hip youth of today doing choreographed dances in trendy (and tiny)...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
