
Caitlin Lochtefeld

Caitlin Lochtefeld

That’s When You Become a Mom

We tend to believe that the magic of motherhood is in the big moments, like the first time the nurse puts your sweet newborn baby on your chest, or with his first steps, or...

Pump, Pump, Pump It Up

When I think about where all I've been pumping, it reads quite a bit like a Dr. Seuss book. I have pumped in my car. I have pumped at a bar. How about a mall? Or bathroom stall? Did...

A Man Can’t Do That

Recently, I was at a work conference listening to a speaker give a lecture. These speakers always try to be entertaining to make the two hours pass quickly. In an effort to engage the...

My Daughter, The Biter

My daughter is a biter. So far, it's not too bad. I mean, she's only bitten me, her dad, her grandma, and probably the nanny. That's not horrible... right? At least she hasn't bitten another...

This Is How I Do It All

The other day, I ran to the grocery store after work with both my kiddos. I was still in my scrubs and my girls were both being little angels. I ran into an acquaintance. "Man,...

Excuse Me, This Isn’t In My Birth Plan

I was never the type of woman to have a detailed birth plan. Nothing was typed up with details and charts. I didn't make a playlist of songs. I didn't pack essential oils or...

Dear Child-Free Friend

Dear Child-Free Friend,  (I call you child-free rather than childless because childless has such a negative connotation to it, doesn't it? I know you're happy as can be, living your life with your husband, and...

One Lonely Mother

We hear about “mom tribes” and play dates, “momming so hard” and long sleepless nights, piles of poopy laundry  and “Mamma Bear” spirit.  But the part of motherhood that no one prepared me for, that...

Dear Husband, Grocery Shopping Is Not Alone Time

Before kids, grocery shopping was enjoyable. My sanctuary. Therapy. My alone time. I'd sip on my Starbucks as I casually strolled up and down the aisles, perusing the options and mentally running through what...

Rotisserie Chicken: Your Summer Dinner Hero

Let me paint an idyllic picture: a warm summer night with fireflies flickering, enjoying a glass of wine on the patio, kids running giddily through the lawn. What's NOT included? Cooking dinner. Cleaning up...

Girl, Go to the Dentist

It's cute and fun to talk about self-care in the form of bubble baths and glasses of wine, or overflowing cups of coffee and Netflix binges. While those certainly are beneficial and a form...

The Wage Gap and The Working Mom

I'm sure you've seen it in the news or on Facebook. Lawmakers in Ohio recently introduced The Ohio Equal Pay Act, a bill to help ensure women are compensated fairly and equally to their...

Shattering the Insta-mom Mirage

Social media is wonderful. Instagram is my jam. I follow fashion influencers, women with mermaid-like tresses, lifestyle bloggers (helloooo chunky knit throws and exposed brick accent walls), musicians, makeup artists (Seriously, show me again...

The Silicone Cup That Changed My Periods

Let’s talk periods.  (I know, kinda ew factor. I get it. But hear me out.) The first time I heard about menstrual cups, I thought, “Excuse me. You put WHAT? WHERE? Ew.” But as they...