Things They Don’t Tell You (about Mom-ing)


<Random thoughts in no particular order>
…because I certainly didn’t learn them in any order!

  • Buy an infant car seat based on how much it weighs. You will lug that thing everywhere – get the lowest weight possible. Don’t be lured by looks or fancy labels. Don’t like the print – put a cover over it. Trust me – but light. They are not in it that long.
  • Antiseptic numbing spray – a gift from god – for your lady parts – after delivery. Pack it in your hospital bag – put it beside your bed when you get home. Use it. Wonderful.
  • Buy a rain coat with a hood. An umbrella will never work as you lug baby + diaper bag + anything else.  If you do accomplish holding the umbrella with everything else – you’ll will look like a hot mess trying to balance it all. Trust me – don’t try. 
  • Those forehead scan thermometers DO NOT WORK – they look fancy and you’d think convenient. I bought one with my first child – no good. I bought one three years later thinking the technology had gotten better – NOPE. I’ve asked my mom friends – thinking maybe I use it wrong – we all agree and have returned them. There is nothing more frustrating than a sick baby or child and thermometer that keeps giving you a different reading – you will cry. Go the old-fashion route with a digital thermometer in the mouth, under the arm or in the bum.  
  • Put a ziplock with 4-5 diapers and a small package of wipes in your trunk.  You will forget them someday (or all the time in my case) – you will need them – these will save you!
  • You will eventually quit buying diapers – but do not ever stop buying wipes. They are so handy – for everyone – for everything.
  • Hot Wheels & Matchbox cars are great – but the tracks are not well made. Some of you may disagree – but after my son received several as gifts – they all end up in the trash after a month. You are better off building ramps and such with cardboard boxes or wrapping paper tubes – they will last as long.
  • You are not crazy – nearly every Legos pack comes with extra parts that you don’t need to build the item.  Its not you – its them – you put it together right.
  • Speaking of putting together – one of those cute kitchens is no small task. I’m not telling you to scrap the idea of getting one – but I am preparing you that one or two people will spend several hours putting it together…in the end you’ll question why it doesn’t have running water and electricity for all the work you put in it.
  • Buy snow pants as soon as they hit the shelf!  If you wait till it snows you will not find them anywhere – who would have thought?!?!
  • Fancy play-dough creation machines are a PITA (pain-in-the-***).  Buy play-dough (or better yet make it) – and go to the dollar store and buy a bunch of different kitchen items – think small rolling pin, potato masher, cookie cutters, whisk, spatula, melon baller, garlic press…etc. It will be more fun for them (and you) – than unclogging and resetting the kits.
  • Buy the 12 volt ride on car…the 6 volt goes way to slow and will not make it through grass…and they will tire of it quickly (be warned you will need to jog to keep up with the 12 volt.)
  • Get your kid’s medicine flavored. Ask for the flavor when dropping it off to prevent waiting when you pick it up. Dealing with a sick kid is hard enough – but even harder when they won’t take their meds. I love this site because it tells you what flavors match best with which meds: Flavorbot

I hope this helps you in your mom-ing journey…but this is not an exhaustive list…I am sure there are other things.  

Comment below and let me know other things you wish someone would have told you!  

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Hello Lovely Dayton Mommas!! I think being a mother is the greatest achievement of my life…I am one of those crazy people who LOVES being pregnant – but will now vicariously live through everyone else’s pregnancies – as my husband (Chris) and I have decided that 2 littles are as big as our family will grow. Miles (4) and Miro (2) keep us on our toes – we like to get messy with art supplies, jump in rain puddles, have nightly dance parties, explore parks, cuddle for movies & skip in the halls at school. I work full-time as a Director of Customer Experience and manage a team of 14, in my spare time I am also getting my MBA through the University of Dayton. I look forward to sharing my thoughts, blunders, successes and failures. #parentlikenooneiswatching