Have you ever done something hard? Like crazy hard. Something you could have easily thrown in the towel and quit - but you didn't. Why not? It was a few days ago, summer heat in full force, lackluster diet for...
I'll let you in on a little secret...unless you are a sociopath, at some point in our lives for one reason or another we all believe we are not enough. As a life coach I hear it often, "something must be wrong with...
So the weather outside has been amazing this week! Finally, we have some "real" summer weather!  Great news is that the weather looks to be awesome through Sunday...before the rain visits us AGAIN! Let's get on to our recommendations...Have an awesome...
I have recently returned from an intense European tour.  I was head teacher on a 3 country European tour which included walking 71 miles, chaperoning 17 teenagers, planes, trains and automobiles! All of this, and I have to say...
My kids may be picky eaters  but, thankfully, they do enjoy a decent variety of fruits and vegetables. I am determined that they know where their favorite fruits and vegetables come from and what food looks like before it's...
Get your dancing shoes on this weekend is full of music & fun!  If you know of any great family events, let us know and we are happy to let our readers know! If you didn't get a chance to...
I have seen all kinds of articles and friendly memes about Moms who have messy homes and how it's part of loving your children. Here are a few I have heard! My home isn't messy. It's custom designed by a...
I've heard people say "what do stay at home moms do all day?"  When I hear this question, I just want to invite them into my life and see the madness that is the stay at home mom's life. ...
It's Wednesday already? After an eventful holiday weekend, perhaps you want to take it easy with the kiddos, but with all this rain there is a great chance you may want to get out of the house! We've rounded up...
A few facts about our family: I do the grocery shopping & most of the cooking - I don't really like either! If there is junk in the house, we eat it. Snacking is like breathing; it never stops. We have a big...
"Families that eat together, stay together." We've all read the importance of having dinner as a family.  Sometimes eating together is nothing short of a miracle - it takes time, prep, and let's not mention the clean up! The alternative to getting everyone...
Our goal this year is to try 5 new campgrounds and still visit a few of our favorites. In order to accomplish this with the kids busy schedule, we had to start early! We camped at Cedarbrook campgrounds April 17th...
I've said it before, I'll say it again, one of the things that can make military life enjoyable is getting out and exploring the area you are stationed in. Military days and programs like Blue Star Museums makes it...
It's ironic. Those who 'diet' the most, are often those who struggle with their weight. Those who just relax and eat are those who we call 'blessed with a good metabolism.'  Maybe we should take a hint? "An estimated 45...

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In + Around Dayton

Bloom :: An Event for Moms! {2024}

Bloom is an event for new and expecting moms, foster moms, and adoptive moms (recommended for any mom up to toddler age!), and other...
dayton summer camps

Summer Camps

date night in dayton

Date Night Round Up

dayton preschools
