We checked out some new splash pads this year that we love!
Of course, the Kennedy Park splash pad is still really great and huge, always a crowd-pleaser. I definitely recommend it.
This year we checked out the Fairborn splash pad at Community Park. It’s a cute pad with some fun interactive water features. We have been enjoying getting free lunch there from 1-1:45 p.m. Monday through Friday this summer as a part of the Summer Food Service Program. My pro tip is to bring cups and squirt guns to this one. The water is cold and everything is in direct sunlight. I brought a blanket so we could sit under a tree by the playground. On Friday from 1-2:30 p.m., the YMCA program at the adjacent YMCA invites splash pad kids to play outdoor games with them.

We also love the splash pad at Xenia Station in Xenia. The kids adore the train-themed playground. The water features are fun as well. Bring some water balloons to fill up on the circular features with water balloon-shaped jets. My son said the water features were like, “water laser beams.” They also have free summer lunch there from 1-1:45pm.

What are your other favorite splash pads in the area?