One thing attracts kids like no other; stickers. The library, the grocery, and even Target have branded stickers they pass out to kids. Trader Joe’s will gift your littles an arm-length of stickers! They WILL appear in your life. With a little planning, you’ll have a way to corral their final resting place, hopefully.
Sticker Books
This is the premium option. Purchasing a dedicated sticker book with glossy pages allows for the repositioning of stickers. They are themed for added entertainment, too. The con is the repositioning allows for them to creep up other places you don’t endorse.
Paper Notebooks
This is the budget option. A small, dollar-store spiral notepad will get the job done. So inexpensive and each sticker can have its own page and be customized with imagination.
Scrap Paper
Last resort. Receipt paper, take-out bag, mail, or whatever you have. This is better than your car interior. It’s stuck to something with purpose now or keep the sticker yourself until you get home.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of stickers. Keep whatever solution works best IN THE CAR! The car door is a great place to house the incoming stickers that will almost certainly find you. I hope you find something that sticks for you.