More Tantrum Tamers


Need more tantrum tamers in your life? The list below builds on my previous post on the topic. Because us moms need all the help we can get when it comes to taming tantrums thrown by our tiny humans.


Treat the feeling with empathy.

Reassure your child that you are there to help. Sometimes it’s enough to get on their level and hug it out. “Wow, you are mad, but I’m still here for your big feelings.”

If you are calm and you are hugging your child…

They’ll feel your heart beat and start to regulate.

I taught the kids how to do “elephant breaths,” which include taking a deep breath in and exhaling as an elephant trumpet blast (I use my hand as a trunk).

I say, “Who can be the biggest elephant?”

I like to have copious amounts of tantalizing snacks on hand out in public.

A child has a harder time screaming with a snack in their mouth.

I will encourage the kids to join me in walking like a…

Dinosaur, zombie, monkey or whatever to the car.

I like to tickle if the child is fighting me on getting in the car seat.

Usually they’re distracted enough for me to strap them in.
What other tantrum tamers would you add to the list?