5 of Our Favorite Free Summer Activities


Here are our favorite summer activities for moms and the preschool/early elementary crowd, with some low-cost ideas listed at the end as well.


Free Summer Activities:

  • Make a park “passport” and put a stamp on it every time you try a new park. Plan a time to go visit all the parks near you.
  • Read in a book nook at your library. Kiddos can clock their summer reading club time and get prizes in person when they’re done. Bonus points if you attend some free library programming.
  • Assuming you have a bike, ride your bikes on a bike trail to various locations. If you don’t have a bike, make it a walk on the trail.
  • Check out the Air Force Museum. This never gets old!
  • Instead of watching YouTube, we have been making our own videos and posting them (unlisted) to YouTube so we can then cast it on the TV. They love planning out each show.

Lost-Cost Summer Activities:

  • Free/discounted summer bowling program at some alleys.
  • Grow a garden using seeds.
  • Play in the hose or kiddo pool in the backyard.
  • Bubble party with some foaming soap and the kiddo pool.
  • Get some $1 plastic fishing sets and “fish” in the kiddie pool.

Have a happy, budget-friendly summer!