Growing up, my mom would break out a new puzzle in the winter. We knew what she was up to when she brought out the card table in our basement, set it up, and placed a brand new puzzle in a box on the table. My brothers and I would wait wide-eyed until she opened it and picked out the edge pieces.
Then the fun began. We all followed her lead, picked out the edge pieces, and were most efficient in getting the border done so the real fun could commence.
Those memories flood my mind every winter and this year I made the same memory for my family.
A few days after Christmas, I opened a brand new puzzle I got for Christmas. Memory-making is in full mode.
I started the same way my mom would with the edge pieces. My 11-year-old jumped in and helped, and it was so fun. Then our daughter stepped in. We spent hours and late into the night working on it and trying to get parts done before we took a break. It was such a nostalgic time for me and memories of my mom flooded my mind.
A few days passed and we worked on it here and there, until my niece stopped in and spent the night with us on her way back home to Virginia.
She brought renewed energy and excitement, as we worked on the puzzle and talked about Nana, my mom. We made the sweetest memories. We finally had to call it a night and went to bed dreaming of finishing the puzzle when we awoke.
I beat her up in the morning and handed her a cup of coffee and said, “Let’s do this!”
We worked for a total of six hours on that puzzle. Our daughter and son and my sweet husband added their talents and, after at least a dozen more hours, it was complete!
I can’t wait to start another puzzle and see who can help and make the picture complete.
The puzzle reminds me of life. You never know who is going to stop by and help you for a little while and spend time putting things together, to complete the picture… but I do know that it takes so many people working together to make your life what it is and make you who you are.
Puzzles sure do make me think of my mom and all she brought to my life.