Sleep Has Never Come Naturally


Sleep has never come naturally to our house. When we brought Gwyn home from the hospital, we were told we had days or weeks until she fully “woke up,” but our girl was fully awake about two hours into our new life. I was not prepared for the trails of bed and nap times that awaited us.

Nearly four years later, we struggle with naps and bedtime at home.


It’s always met with aggression and challenges that have extended night after night when I try to put her down. Recently, we have been trying Occupational Therapy, which has been so helpful in getting her to express her emotions and having us dig into her anxieties and issues with ending the day or taking a break for some quiet time.

We always try to remind her that our bodies need rest and to be healthy and happy (“…and not cranky, mommy?”), we need this time that so many take for granted to recharge. While we are still in the thick of bedtime battles, recognizing why she doesn’t want to sleep for reasons like separation anxiety or extra time with mom and dad have really aided in her ability to process her emotions and work through some of the struggles of bedtime.

When I find the magic solution for children and their sleep habits, I’ll let you all know!

In the meantime, remembering she’s a little person who is trying to process the world around her has been so eye opening for me, and I think if you’re struggling with this as well, remember how tired, emotional, and worn out you might be after a tough day. At the end of it all, we are their rocks and even through these storms, we can start to see the light of our children shining through.


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