When I was reading about this month, this particular day stood out immediately. Some of these days in life, things are just not going well. Your coworkers might even say, “Wow, you look tired…” (which doesn’t make it better, so come on, Janice, stop already).
The acceptable answer to “How’s your day going?” is supposed to be, “Oh great, thanks.” Just go to the bathroom and cry, but don’t cry in front of Tim in accounting because he doesn’t care.
BUT NOT TODAY! The creators of the day (Thomas and Ruth Roy) actually encourage you to wish others a bad day… “Have a bad day!”
Very liberating, indeed.
It was created for those in public service industries who have to put on a smile when they don’t really feel like smiling. Today, just give yourself permission to embrace that part of you that feels happy at 5 p.m., when you get to leave work.
Tell that client to have a bad day and mean it. Of course, also tell them why you are saying that, maybe, and don’t make it sound like you really don’t like them so they’ll still come back tomorrow, when it isn’t “Have a Bad Day” day.
If you want, you can also pull some pranks on others and make sure it’ll be a bad day. A little mayonnaise on someone’s donut never hurt anyone. Buy them a normal one tomorrow and make tomorrow a great day.
The true intention of the day is to stop compartmentalizing for one day and feel how you really feel.
Share with a friend and get that weight off your chest today. Maybe take it one step further and schedule a therapy appointment today so tomorrow will not be as bad.
I had someone working at a popular dollar retail store that will not be named embrace the idea of the day by unenthusiastically scanning my items and proclaiming, “Sorry, it has been a rough day because working here sucks.”
Hope you had a bad day today!